Anti-fraud Organization Tokyo, Japan Trust Seal

Japan Company Trust Organization “JCTO” is an anti-fraud organization in Japan. With Headquarter in Tokyo, the Organization registers real Japanese companies with physical address confirmation.

The “Trust Seal” is issued to genuine Japanese companies only. To register with “JCTO”, a company must have registered in Japan, must have clean & clear records, and must have no criminal back-ground.

For your best security, always make sure that the address of the visited website matches the address you are expecting. Make sure that the URL of each page begins with….

If you encountered a JCTO “TRUST SEAL” that is used incorrectly, please report it to JCTO.

If the information on the seal’s verification page does not match the information of the site, when the seal is clicked, no information pops-up, the seal has been modified in any way, or the seal is being used to promote phishing or illegal activities

JCTO is not and does not undertake to be responsible for content or quality of product (s) for sale on a Web site on which a JCTO “Trust Seal” is posted. Search for “JCTO” Approved Japanese Companies